Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kilobyte Couture:Geek chic Jewelry To Make from Easy-To-Find Computer Components.

Forks, Brittany. Kilobyte Couture:Geek chic Jewelry To Make from Easy-To-Find Computer Components.
Watson-Guptill (see Random) 2009 128p 18.95 978-0-8230=9902-3 ms/hs

Clear instructions are given for making over 25 jewelry projects from earrings to an I.D. lanyard and cell phone charms out of new electronic components. Tools, techniques, jewelry findings, and the electronic parts are explained and illustrated with photographs and drawings. An index is provided While working in the Electrical and Computer Engineering building in college, Brittany Forks came across a box of old resistors and capacitors. She bought a few tools from a craft store and started making jewelry with the brightly colored computer parts. She now sells her jewelry on her own professional web site. This book gives instructions so you can make this geek chic jewelry yourself in an hour or two. A bright yellow safety note cautions the reader to use new or unused vintage parts as used components have been soldered and contain lead. Part numbers for Radio Shack or Allied are provided for all the resistors, capacitors and diodes used, so the reader will know what to look for to duplicate the items illustrated. Tools, techniques and components are explained and illustrated with photographs and drawings. Clear instructions are given and each jewelry project from earrings to an I.D. lanyard and cell phone charms is shown in a color photograph on a model. The skin tones on the beautiful smiling models vary from pale to dark reflecting the differences in the population in our urban school. Kudos to the author for not only giving suggestions for customizing the jewelry but for also encouraging young women to be smart and creative and bold about letting their intelligence and creativity show and pursuing their own interests. MT

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