Luca, Eileen More Than Blues? Understanding and Dealing with Depression
Enslow 2010 112p 31.93 978-0-7660-3065-7 ms/hs
Issues in Focus Today (Enslow)##8,9
Discusses the types of depression, causes and treatment. Colorful photographs and sidebar information make this a great choice for reports or browsing. The complexity of depression is stressed as is the need to seek medical attention. Grades 6+. The complex mental disorder of depression and its close mood relatives: bipolar, anxiety and borderline personality disorder as well as alcohol and drug abuse are discussed. At the heart of the book is the need to get medical treatment whether by a physician (for physical causes of depression) or counselors and psychiatrists (for the brain malfunctions related to responses to events and brain chemistry). The symptoms of depression, the causes, and treatment are all presented with caution as the complexity of depression does not allow easy generalizations. Because the cause of depression can have so many variables as does the manifestation of depression, no quick answers are possible. However students will begin to understand that with proper medical treatment depression does not have to be devastating. Knowing what is normal such as having a “case of the blues” because of a life event or lack of sleep, and realizing when that “case of the blues” is becoming a pervasive part of one’s life gives students a self-assessment tool to determine if they need to seek outside counseling. The colorful photographs of young people in emotional turmoil as well as sidebars and quotations make this book attractive for report writing or for browsing. Symptoms, causes, and treatment are all covered. Strongly recommended for grades 6-12. LMN
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