Saturday, April 10, 2010

McClintock, Norah. Picture This.

McClintock, Norah. Picture This.
Orca 2009 109p 9.95 978-1-55469-138-8 ms/hs
Orca Soundings
Murder mystery involving an at-risk teen who joins a photo workshop at the local rec center and is stalked for his camera. What do the photos contain and who wants them? Ethan has to figure this out before he becomes a murder victim. This engaging murder mystery involves Ethan, an at risk teen who lives in a foster home. He joins a local recreation center photography program. He finds he has a talent for photography and takes pictures to illustrate freedom on the digital camera that his kindly foster parents bought him for his birthday. However, after taking several photos in the woods, he is threatened and stalked by someone who is trying to get to the photos that are on his digital camera. He doesn’t know why this is happening. He does know that he must find out why this person wants his camera or else he will become a murder victim. McClintock does an excellent job of telling the story from the perspective of a teenage boy who has had a hard life but is trying to turn his life around. The writing is pithy yet absorbing and will keep the reader turning pages to find out what is going to happen next. The attractive cover will entice teen readers. This title is recommended for middle and high school libraries that need fiction books that will be interesting to boys and for those libraries that need high interest titles. This title is one of the Orca Soundings series and is recommended for Tristate Books of Note. Weinraub, Tina

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