Sunday, January 9, 2011

Benjamin, Melanie Alice, I Have been

Benjamin, Melanie Alice, I Have been
Delacorte see Random 2010 351p 25.00
978-0-385-34413-5 ms/hs Historical E-BN
This is a portrayal of the world of the real Alice In Wonderland that expertly blends fact with fiction. The author had written a many faceted novel that presents a compelling mystery that surrounds the girl behind the story of Alice in Wonderland.
At the same time the novel provides the readers with a insight into the Victorian mores that were prevalent at the time.
The story is told from the perspective of Alice and her thoughts. The blend of the literary Alice in contrast to the actual Alice and her striving to understand her place in the world. All of Alice’s emotions, loves, and failures are woven into a emotionally paced story that will be enjoyed by the readers.

The historical novel offers both realistic and suspenseful action in a well-paced plot and with engaging characters. The story is engaging and full of interesting details, the locations are believably described, and the characters are very three-dimensional. This is a well written book that is recommended as a Books of Note. It would be an excellent addition to any secondary school library. McNeil, Linda
Alice In Wonderland

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