Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Brave Escape of Edith Wharton

Wooldridge, Connie Nordhielm. The Brave Escape of Edith Wharton
Clarion see Houghton Mifflin 2010 184p 20.00
978-0-547-23630-8 hs E-BN
The unconventional life of Edith Wharton is revealed through numerous personal quotes. Highly readable and able to be used for literature courses as well as history courses as the lifestyle of the wealthy in the late 1800s is thoroughly conveyed. Gr. 9+. Edith Wharton’s life flew in the face of what was considered socially acceptable in the late 1800s. The author recreates the historical times and social mores of the late 1800s and early 1900s both in the United States and in Europe. Wharton, born to a wealthy family, was considered different at an early age as she acted out dramas, wrote stories and had an insatiable curiosity about life. After she finally married, she entertained a stable of bachelors who provided the intellectual stimulation she craved. Her travels back and forth across the Atlantic energized her rather than tiring her out. Her efforts to aid France during World War I turned her into a hard working philanthropist and humanitarian. The inspiration for her writing and her writing career are well defined in this book that provides a human side to Wharton’s fame and intellect. This book is told in a manner that pulls the reader deeply into the mind of Wharton. The words flow one into another seemlessly interweaving quotes with commentary for a most enjoyable reading experience. For social studies students trying to understand the lifestyle and customs of the late 1800’s as well as the English student stuying literature. Gr. 9+. Outstanding writing by Wooldridge reveals the personal side of Wharton as as writer, lover, and humanitarian. Able to be used to understand social mores of the late 1800s or to understand what motivated Wharton to write her classics. Grades 9+. McNicol(3),Lois
Wharton, Edith - Biography

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