Saturday, January 8, 2011

Schwartz, John. Short: Walking Tall When You’re Not Tall At All

Schwartz, John Short: Walking Tall When You’re Not Tall At All
Roaring Press see Millbrook 2010 132p 16.99
978-1-59643-323-6 ms E-BN
This book discusses the issue of short stature from many different angles, from the causes to the social consequences of being short, along with some advice on developing positive self-esteem. This book is very well written and thorough. It could be used individually with a student or by a counselor with a group. The author starts with the popular idea promoted in the media that being short is a distinct disadvantage, and then he shoots holes through it, with the help of scientific data he has collected. He links the manufacturers and marketers of human growth hormone with the erroneous theory that shortness is disadvantagious, and he makes a very strong case.
In addition, Schwartz discusses such pertinent topics as bullying, building self-esteem, and refusing to allow one’s physical attributes to determine one’s life.
It would be a great book to give to teens to read ... whatever their height.
For teenagers, particularly boys. Kennedy, Carol

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