Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gibbons, Gail. Alligators and Crocodiles

Gibbons, Gail Alligators and Crocodiles Holiday House 2010 32p 17.95 978-0-8234-2234-0 elem Alligators; Crocodiles E-BNes

An introduction to alligators and crocodiles that features captioned illustrations and describes their physical characteristics, natural habitats, and behaviors, as well as threats to their populations and conservation efforts.╙
Written in a highly colorful, illustrated fashion, elementary students will enjoy learning about American crocodiles and alligators. Students will discover that alligators and crocodiles are within a group of reptiles called crocodilians, the closest living relative Paleontologists helped identify how long these reptiles have been living on Earth. Origins of the words crocodiles and alligator were also touched upon. Students will learn where the two reptiles live. American alligators seem to be found in more places than crocodiles, since crocodiles can only be found in the Florida Keys and in the southern tip of Florida. While alligators and crocodiles have many similarities, they have a few distinct differences. The author addresses how the reptiles live, both on land and water, hunt, and mate. While the American crocodile digs a hole in the ground to bury its nest from predators, the American crocodile keeps her nest above ground, but covered with leaves and grass. After about sixty-five days, the eggs begin to hatch and the female alligator/crocodile stays close to their young for about a year. Even though it is no longer legal to hunt crocodiles/alligators, the reptiles are still on the endangered list because their habitats are being taken over by housing and other forms of development.

Includes great color graphics, easy-to-read text, and contains an extra page about alligators and crocodiles. Reluctant readers will do well with this title. Forba-Mayer, Charleen

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