Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Janmohamed, Shelina Zahra. Love In A Headscarf.

Janmohamed, Shelina Zahra Love In A Headscarf
Beacon Press 2010 257p 15.00
978-0-8070-0080-9 hs/adult Janmohamed, Shelina Zahra -- Diaries E-BN

A beautifully written memoir that not only discusses arranged marriage and love, but presents Muslim society, family and Islamic faith with honesty and humor. A wonderful antidote for so much of today’s negative view of the Muslim world. Ms. Janmohamed shares her search for the perfect mate in a society that often is portrayed as not valuing women. This memoir walks the reader through match making process as arranged by her aunts (very colorful figures in their own right) and ‘professional’ matchmakers. While this process was quite interesting, this reader found the insight into Ms. Janmohamed’s life more intriguing. Beginning with her parent’s willingness (nee insistence) on her getting a higher education, to their understanding of her need to travel and explore the world outside of muslim societies, this memoir does a lot to dispel so many of the stereotypes many of us hold about women in the muslim world, as well as the Qu’ran and Islam in this post-911 United States. We read how she goes through the ups and downs of her self worth and self-esteem, how she recognizes that her strength is her faith and education, and how in the end the right man crosses her path and they create a life together.
As I was reading this memoir, there were times when I skipped paragraphs, but for the most it is very well written and is a book that draws the reader through the pages. Fisher, Lynn

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