Friday, April 1, 2011

Marzollo, Jean Pierre the Penguin

Marzollo, Jean Pierre the Penguin
Sleeping Bear Press(Cengage) 2010 unp 15.95
978-1--58536-485-5 elem Penguins and molting E-BNe

True story of veterinarian ingenuity to help a captive penguin without feathers. Pierre did not properly molt and did not have the feathers to keep him warm or let him swim in the cold water. Pierre, an African penguin, lived in an aquarium in California. One year his feathers started to break and fall out. This left him without sufficient insulation to stay warm on land or to stay dry in the water. He looked funny so the other penguins shunned him. One of his caregivers got the idea for a tiny wet suit. It kept Pierre warm until his next molt when new healthy feathers grew in. This is a true story.
Written in rhyming couplets and illustrated with gorgeous paintings, this story comes alive. Included at the end are the answers to questions commonly asked by students.
Written for elementary children, it will be a wonderful addition to any library. Theal, Joan

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