Friday, April 1, 2011

Smith, Marie and Roland. S is for Smithsonian

Smith, Marie and Roland S is for Smithsonian
Sleeping Bear Press(Cengage) 2010 unp 17.95
978-1-58536-314-8 all ages Alphabets, Smithsonian Museum E-BNe

Most alphabet books are designed for the youngest of children. This remarkable one crosses many age groups. Arranged in traditional order, each letter is highlighted by a brief poem, a lovely painting, and used to explain much more interesting information than normally found. Most alphabet books are designed for the youngest of children. This remarkable one crosses many age groups. Arranged in traditional order, each letter is highlighted by a brief poem, a lovely painting, and used to explain much more interesting information than normally found. “A” is used to describe both aviatrix and Amelia Earhart and a secondary entry covers airplane. Each succeeding letter brings into focus many of the special treasures that are found in the many Smithsonian Museums from Smithson’s Castle and the Hope Diamond to Justice Thurgood Marshall and the pandas of the Washington Zoo. It ends with an excellent map of the various museums to be found on the National Mall. The alphabet is perfectly illustrated for younger readers and the information given is well suited to older one and is sure to lead them into further reading and research. Ogintz, Susan

1 comment:

Carol Mast said...

An alphabet book that would hold the interest of many levels of readers would be useful in the classroom. This would be a great read prior to a trip to the Smithsonian. Poetry and art work both would provide inspiration for an alphabet bookmaking project.