Monday, April 9, 2012

Lunge-Larson, Lise. Gifts from the Gods.

Lunge-Larson, Lise. Gifts from the Gods. Houghton Mifflin/Clarion/Graphia/Kingfisher, 2011.
90p.     $18.99.            ISBN 978-0-547-15229-5       ms/hs   E-BN  
This book identifies and explains various familiar words and terms from Greek mythology.  Definitions and brief stories regarding word origins are presented.  This text presents the ancient tales of Greek mythology in a lively manner as present-day, familiar terms are identified, presented, and defined as used in their original sense. The language is easily understandable to middle- and high-school students, making the concepts easy to read and for young adult students.
The unique format of the book is to present the word, provide the definition, and offer the derivation of the term.  Subsequent pages deliver the tale in a succinct but thorough manner.  Beautiful illustrations are interspersed with the text, creating an exciting visual appeal for the reader.
This book is both exceptionally well written and visually appealing.  Each chapter offers a new and unique term and its connection to a myth.  Myths are presented accurately, and each one enhances the definition and continued use of a particular term in the English language.  Gifts from the Gods is a "must purchase" for any library.                   Subject: Greek Mythology
Virginia McGarvey

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