Sunday, June 24, 2012


Korman, Gordon    Showoff      
Scholastic/Grolier/Childrens Press/Watts  2012 248p   $16.99      978-0-545-32059-7       elm/ms            Realistic fiction

Luthor, Savannah Drysdale’s Doberman, goes berserk at a mall dog show and is accused of ruining the current three-time national champion Electra’s career. Savannah, a pet-lover, is forced to give up her beloved Luthor and place him in the dog pound as the family is sued for seven million dollars for the mall incident.

Her good friends Ben and Griffin,
"the Man with the Plan", are determined to help Savannah get her precious pet back and clear his name.  They take Luthor from the pound and begin to "teach him new tricks" so that he will become the new champion.  The "Plan" involves a trip to New York City, a saboteur, and a dog-trainer that has left the business. The two friends are up to their old antics as they carry out the plan.

Gordon Korman has brought back Griffin Bing and his friends that have entertained readers in his previous books
Swindle, Zoobreak and Framed.  This time Griffin and Ben, a narcoleptic aided by a work-ferret, amuse readers as they try to tame and show an unruly Doberman.  Laughs abound as they prepare Luthor to be champion.

Typically of author Gordon Korman, the lively presentation and humor will entertain and delight young and reluctant readers, who will find the plot hilarious and believable.  However, anyone with any knowledge of competitive dog shows will find the story absurd as it lacks accuracy as to the protocol, methods, and rules of showing.

Virginia McGarvey       Dog stories, Humor


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