Friday, August 24, 2012

Gray, Susan. Paleontology: The Study of Prehistoric Life.

Gray, Susan.  Paleontology: The Study of Prehistoric Life.  Scholastic/ Childrens Press   48p   $28.00  978-0-531-24680-1      elem  Series: A True Book (Scholastic/Childrens)      E-BNes           

This title introduces readers to the study of paleontology.  It begins with a question for the reader to answer through reading the text, which is an interesting attention catcher.  The simply worded text, in large print, explains why paleontologists study dead plants and animals, gives a brief history of the field, provides some information that has been learned from the study, looks at how the scientists work, and gives some ideas about the present and future direction of the field.  The text is liberally enhanced with bright photographs and highlighted facts.  The overall appearance is spacious and inviting.   Arrows attract the eye to special facts, and the captioning is very well done.

Additional features include some statistics, a glossary, a list of exceptionally strong (for the level of the text) resources, both print and online, and an index.  Also listed is the publisher-sponsored web site.
This would be an excellent addition to an elementary-school library.

True Book series are bright, colorful introductions to many topics.  The overall format, text size, wording and spacing make for a very attractive volume, appropriate for grades 2-6.                     --Joan Theal

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