Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tullson, Diane. Riot Act.

Tullson, Diane.   Riot Act.   Orca  118p  $9.95 978-1-4598-0139-4   hs  Orca Soundings    VG-BN   Conflict

This hi-lo novel for teens has plenty of action and plot to keep the pages turning.  It opens with Daniel and his friend Nick deciding to attend a football game in town, even though they know that rioting is predicted.  Against their better judgment, the boys get pulled into the rioting, and Nick’s photo ends up on TV. 

This book would be a good read for a reluctant high-school reader.  The pace moves along quickly, the sentences are short, and the characters are realistic.  The main characters are portrayed as ordinary boys who become tempted by alcohol, mob violence, and excitement, but are then truly remorseful for their actions.  The writing is terse but lyrical, yet easy to read and compelling.   
Hi-lo books, Rioting-Fiction                                --Carol Kennedy

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