Friday, April 5, 2013

Silvey, Anita. Children’s Book-A-Day.

Silvey, Anita.  Children’s Book-A-Day.    Macmillan/Roaring Brook Press  2012  388p $19.99      978-1-59643-708-1       all ages  Reference   E-BN 

This monumental work can be used as a reference book, a basis for planning library or literature lessons, or just a fun resource to browse through.  There is one page devoted to each day of the year, with a listing of birthdays, anniversaries of famous events, and a specific book featured.  Most of the books mentioned are children’s books, but there are also some others.  Noteworthy information is shared about each book, some of it little known.  At the end of the book, there is a list of major children’s book awards, an index of the books and authors featured, an index of books by type and an index of books by age.  In addition, there is a list of major holidays and special months (like Black History Month) that will prove useful for planning lessons.  All in all, it is a fantastic book and one that will be well used by teachers, parents, kids and librarians alike.

Having said that, there is a GLARING double-typo on the entry for May 3.  It says “Reed Abigoys by Pete Seeger.”  Of course, it should be “Read Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger.”  More careful proof-reading is required.           

Children’s literature                                 --Carol Kennedy


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this book. I think it will be a great resource as I begin my first year as an elementary librarian. The author of this book also has a blog that is updated daily that I plan to frequent often.

Ashleigh Pitts said...

This book is an excellent resource to have at your fingertips as a teacher. It seems to be packed with great books to share with students and connected to various topics.