Sunday, October 20, 2013

Torres, J. Batman Versus the Yeti.

Torres, J.  Batman Versus the YetiCapstone/Stone Arch    2013  32p   ISBN 978-1-43442-4708-7  series: Batman: The Brave and The Bold  elem  Hardback  VG  Graphic novels     

With crisp, colorful illustrations and conversations that are well reflected in the illustrations, this book will appeal to fans of superheroes.  Batman joins forces with Asian superheroes to battle the Yeti living in the mountains and rescues a superhero who has morphed into a Yeti. An addendum explains The Great Ten, the Asian superheroes, and includes information on creators of the graphic novel and a glossary. A two-page spread encourages readers to go beyond just reading the graphic novel and look carefully at the illustrations and their impact on the story -- how thought and conversation bubbles speed or slow the story and how illustrations enhance the text.     

The series Batman: The Brave and The Bold is comprised of four different adventures about Batman and his friends.  Crisp, colorful illustrations and sometimes humorous text will entertain elementary-age readers who love a superhero graphic novel. Grades 3-5.  It is recommended wherever superhero graphic novels are needed. 

Summary: In vocabulary appropriate for upper elementary-school students, Batman encounters the Yeti, fierce huge creatures of the mountains, with the help of Asian superheroes.  A graphic novel that will appeal to fans of superheroes. Grades 3-5.     

Graphic novels, Superheroes-Fiction                         --Lois McNicol

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