Friday, April 18, 2014

Olympians: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.

O'Connor, George.  Olympians: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.  Macmillan/ First Second  2014  76p.  $10.00      ISBN 978-1-5964-3739-5  all ages    series: Olympians  E-BN

In this volume the author introduces Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and power.  Aphrodite was born of the sea foam and the power of Eros, and was made in loveliness and given power, beauty and an abundance of love.

The reader meets Aphrodite and reads about how she became a part of the Olympian group of gods, although she is the only one not related except through marriage.  On one occasion there is a wedding celebration and all the gods are present except one, Eris.  Eris was the goddess of discord, so to keep the festivities peaceful she was not invited, but she came anyway, and of course it was she who threw out the golden apple, intended for the most beautiful goddess.  This brought three goddesses out to claim the apple; Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.

series of tales from mythology introduces the Olympian gods and their individual stories to beginning readers.  The pictures are very pleasing and bright, and will keep the reader going to the end and wanting more. This is the fifth volume in the series.  Other volumes cover Zeus, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon.

Each book in the series includes author's notes, facts about the gods, Greek notes, a “for discussion” section, and a bibliography.          

Greek mythology, Aphrodite                                  --Magna Diaz

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