Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Warm Up.

Leach, Sarah.  Warm Up.  Orca  2014  118p  $9.95  ISBN 978-1-4598-0428-9  ms/hs  Conflict  VG

Jasmine, a young ballet dancer, faces some hard decisions when her dance team seems to be turning against her and disintegrating into infighting and feuding on the eve of an important competition.  She has always loved to dance, but part of the experience was the sense of team-work and belonging she experienced as a member of the Moondance Studio.  Now her coach seems to be turning against her, and the team as a whole is becoming fragmented and fraught with petty rivalries and jealousies.  Should she keep dancing or quit the team?  And what can she do to help her team work together the way they used to?

This is a wonderful novel about personal relationships and team work.  The terminology will appeal especially to girls who dance.  The easy-to-read writing style is another plus, for girls who are reluctant readers.               

Summary: Jasmine, a young ballet dancer, faces some hard decisions when her dance team seems to be disintegrating into infighting and feuding on the eve of an important competition.   

Dance-Fiction, Teamwork-Fiction                       --Carol Kennedy  

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