Saturday, November 1, 2014

Susan Marcus Bends The Rules.

Cutler, Jane.  Susan Marcus Bends The Rules.  Holiday House 2014  108p  $16.95  ISBN 978-0-8234-3047-5  elem/ms  Historical fiction  VG-BNe

In 1943, during World War 2, Susan and her parents need to leave New York City to live in Missouri, where her father has a new job.  With the move come many new experiences with racial and ethnic prejudice, and Susan decides to fight back in her own small way.  The youngster who reads this book will learn something about American history, including the war, rationing, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, and the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement.  The protagonist is a feisty, imaginative girl with a sense of justice that will appeal to readers.  While the story does not result in any huge victories for tolerance and racial equality, it has a satisfying ending that represents a small victory for a little girl and her friends and family.  The age of the protagonist is ten, and the book should appeal to girls in grades 4 through 6.

Summary: In 1943, during World War 2, Susan and her parents need to leave New York to live in Missouri, where her father has a new job.  With the move come new experiences with racial and ethnic prejudice, and Susan decides to fight back in her own small way.                   
Racial intolerance-Fiction                            --Carol Kennedy  

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