Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Finisher

Baldacci, David.  The Finisher.  Scholastic Press     2014  497p.  $17.99  ISBN 978-0-545-65220-9  ms/hs    Fantasy  E-BN     

Vega Jane resides in the village of Wormwood, which is less than a suitable environment. She is caring for her younger brother, since their parents have been confined to a convalescent home, and the pair often struggles for food and shelter. Stories abound about the dangerous, dark forest of Quag that is filled with terrifying beasts and bloodthirsty Outliers, surrounding Wormwood to keep residents within the village. But when Vega sees Quentin, her mentor, being chased out of Wormwood, she becomes curious and discovers that he has left her messages and clues that there may be a more suitable environment beyond the Quag. However, it is dangerous and life- threatening to investigate what might lie beyond, as the village of Wormwood has powerful people who threaten those who wish to escape.

David Baldacci has created a highly suspenseful novel that will captivate young readers.
He leads readers on a highly adventurous and mysterious quest as they root for Vega to find the truth and pursue a better life for herself and her brother.

In addition to the well-written and fast
-paced plot, Baldacci has introduced an extensive vocabulary that will not only challenge readers but add to the excitement.  This is a novel that demands discussion and will thrill young readers.

Summary:  Vega Jane, caring for her younger brother in the village of Wormwood, is employed as a “finisher”; but, when her mentor disappears into the forbidden and dangerous Quag, he leaves a message and mysterious clues for Vega that there might be more beyond what she has always believed to exist.

Goblins-Fiction                                 --Virginia McGarvey

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