Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Atkinson, Rick. Battle of the Bulge.

Atkinson, Rick.  Battle of the Bulge.  Macmillan/ Henry Holt      2015  237p  $19.99  ISBN 978-1-62779-113-7  ms/hs  Nonfiction  E-BN 

The Battle of the Bulge is put into the context of World War II and the positions of both sides as the war was beginning to wind down.  There are maps, charts, timelines, and lists of key players and the countries involved in each side of the conflict.  Atkinson very carefully and skillfully explains the thought processes that both the Allies and Hitler had in this period of the conflict.  He also discusses the fact that Hitler’s own men disagreed with his assessment of the situation, but were powerless to alter his plans.  In general, this is an excellent and thorough discussion of the Battle of the Bulge and will also teach broader lessons about the war in its entirety.  Highly recommended.  

Summary: The Battle of the Bulge is put into the context of World War II and the positions of both sides as the war was beginning to wind down.  There are maps, charts, timelines, and lists of key players and the countries involved in each side of the conflict.

World War II                                                      --Carol Kennedy

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