Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rallison, Janette. The Wrong Side Of Magic.

Rallison, Janette.  The Wrong Side Of Magic.  Macmillan/Feiwel & Friends  2016  326p    $16.99 ISBN 978-1-250-07428-7      ms       Fantasy  E-BN     

Charlotte always seems strange and talks nonsense.  Then Alex turns the magic compass and finds himself in the Land of Logos.  He learns that he needs to pay strict attention to the words he uses and hears.  Returning home, he seeks Charlotte’s help to rid him of a troll curse.  She will only do it if he helps to rescue the Princess.  As Alex and Charlotte travel through the various lands of Logos, the reader comes to understand that Charlotte is the Princess, long before the characters come to that conclusion.
This story concerns fantasy and adventure in a land where words really matter.  Reminiscent of Juster’s Phantom Tollbooth, some scenes are very close to that novel, such as when Charlotte and Alex carefully pick which words to eat.  There are many puns involved in the names of boats and other objects.

This title was a joy to read. The more mature reader will find more humor in it than a younger, less well-read student.  There are subtle morals throughout the story.       

Summary: In this fantasy, Alex lands in the Land of Logos where words really matter.  Using a magic compass, Alex and Charlotte must navigate a strange world to rescue the Princess.  Reminiscent of the Phantom Tollbooth.  grades 5-8             

Magic-Fiction, Words-Fiction                                                                                                —Joan Theal

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