Saturday, March 18, 2017

Goslee, S. J. Whatever.

Goslee, S. J.  Whatever.  Macmillan/Roaring Brook Press     2016  266p  $17.99        ISBN 978-1-62672-399-3  Hardback  hs  Realistic fiction VG

Mike is about to start his junior year of high school, and figures he has it made ... he has his friends, he has his band, and he has his girlfriend Lisa. He and his friends enjoy getting drunk on beer and stoned on pot while they party the last of the summer away. But when Lisa suddenly breaks up with him because she has developed a crush on someone else, Mike’s whole world and concept of himself begins to change. For the first time, he finds that others perceive him as possibly gay, or even bisexual, when the thought had never once occurred to him. He begins to realize that he is attracted to some boys, and he has a whole new aspect of his feelings that he must define and deal with.
The language and situations of the book will probably appeal to high-school students who enjoy realistic literature that deals with sexuality and other everyday concerns of young people. The action is described in the present tense throughout the novel, giving it a sense of immediacy that will also appeal to that group of readers.      

Recommended for upper high-school readers of both sexes who like realistic fiction.

Summary: In this coming-of-age story, Mike gets in touch with his ambivalence about his sexuality and comes to terms with it.  

Sexuality-Fiction, LGBTQ fiction                            —Carol Kennedy

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