Monday, November 27, 2017

Yolen, Jane. Thunder Underground.

Yolen, Jane.  Thunder Underground. Boyd's Mills/Word Song     2017  30p $17.95  Hardback  ISBN 978-159078-936-0  pre K-elem      Poetry      E-BN

This collection of poems by Jane Yolen is beautifully combined with colorful illustrations by José Masse that will help the reader grasp a better understanding of each poem. As readers progress through the book they will learn about subway travel, tree roots, seeds, lava, moles and my favorites, underground rivers and spelunking. The final poem in the book ties all of the poems together for the reader and provides a satisfactory ending.
This is a beautiful poetry book that can be used at all levels of instruction. The poems are so lyrical and crisp that enjoyment is a certainty.  The book can be used in many ways in different libraries. It would be an excellent addition.

Summary: A collection of insightful poems by Jane Yolen that will inform young readers about what they can find underground. José Masse illustrates the pages with colorful supporting graphics.    

Nature, Poetry                                              --Linda McNeil

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