Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Williams, Judith Forensic Scientist.

Williams, Judith Forensic Scientist.
Enslow 2009 128p 31.93 978-0-7660-3051-0 ms/jr
Wild Science Careers (Enslow)

By a series of individual career profiles, each involving a specific case, the jobs of different forensic scientists are examined. A very readable and informative exploration of careers in forensic science. Each career is examined as a case study, with background information about the career, and a demonstration of what each scientific field encompasses. The cases pose a “mystery” and then go on to show how the forensic scientist helps to solve the case. The forensic careers profiled are: criminologist, forensic pathologist, forensic entomologist, forensic chemist, physical anthropologist.

Color photos and interesting text boxes complement the text. A chart at the end of the volume shows the education and salary for each career. The only problem is that it is not continuous, being interspersed with other text. Chapter Notes, a glossary, bibliography and index complete the volume. All in all, a attractive and useful resource for middle and lower high school readers. PN

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