Crain, Cynthia. Milton Friedman.
Morgan Reynolds 2010 144p 28.95 978-1-59935-108-7 ms/hs
Profiles in Economics(MR)
Presents the economic philosophy, professional and personal life of Milton Friedman, who shook up reigning political economic theory, preferring a free market economy. Colorful photographs, timeline, further reading, chapter notes and index complete the book. For grades 7-12. Crain and Lee provide an introduction to Friedman’s free market economic theory that diverged markedly from the prevailing Keynesian model of how government interaction affects a national economy. Friedman was an entrepreneur from his early school days at Rutgers throughout his life. His personality made him welcome in academic circles and his hard work and keen mathematical ability made him a force to be reckoned with as he turned the economic world on its head by disparaging Keynesian economic model in favor of a free market economic theory. Crain and Lee present the personal side of Friedman as he meets the love of his life. His wife Rose, a brilliant economic mind in her own right was able to debate with Friedman as well as present herself admirably at summits of the best economic minds of the time. The couple was welcome across the globe and made and kept friends whether heads of state or students. The reader is introduced to Friedman’s economic concepts in such a way as to gain a basic understanding of the effects of a free market system on the cycle of recession and economic depression. Color photographs enhance the text. Timeline, further reading, chapter notes and index complete the book. Strongly recommended for middle and high school students interested in economics. Lois McNicol
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