Gaffney, Timothy R. Storm Scientist.
Enslow 2010 112p 31.93 978-0-7660-3050-3 ms/hs
Wild Science Careers
Meteorologists unravel the mysteries of lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, mountaintop weather, Arctic sea ice, Alaskan weather and global warming. Fact boxes, glossary, and amazing photographs provide a “you are there” approach. Will raise awareness of unique career opportunities Grades 6-12. Students looking for challenging careers in the out of doors will find six careers highlighted that are related to weather and global warming. Each chapter explores one career whether unraveling the mysteries of lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, mountaintop weather, Arctic sea ice, or Alaskan weather. All relate their findings to potential effects of global warming. Fact boxes present facts about the phenomenon being studied as well as salary and educational background for the six meteorologists and scientists featured. Astonishing photographs, glossary words highlighted in the text, index and further reading will help answer questions of budding scientists. The interviews with the scientists create a “you are there” approach to career exploration. The passion displayed by the scientists for their field comes through in the writing. The excitement of the research is coupled with the mundane statistical analysis so as to give a realistic picture of the day-to-day life of a researcher studying weather related topics. Strongly suggested for middle and high school libraries as a first choice for career exploration classes. Lois McNicol
This looks like a great book to use with our 2nd grade weather unit! The kids are always jazzed when they see "real" weather pictures! Some of my kids last year loved to watch the show "Storm Chasers" this would be great for them! It might be something that I can show them and read some of it to them. They might like to have it at a center time table to look at on their own as well. Not every book needs to be at reading level to be enjoyed. there are many ways to share it.
This looks like a great book to use with our 2nd grade weather unit! The kids are always jazzed when they see "real" weather pictures! Some of my kids last year loved to watch the show "Storm Chasers" this would be great for them! It might be something that I can show them and read some of it to them. They might like to have it at a center time table to look at on their own as well. Not every book needs to be at reading level to be enjoyed. there are many ways to share it.
I requested this book as a library wish book for next year! Hope it makes the cut! -W. Walton
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