Friday, April 1, 2011

Scillian, Devin. D is for Down Under: An Australia Alphabet

Scillian, Devin D is for Down Under: An Australia Alphabet
Sleeping Bear Press(Cengage) 2010 unp 17.95
978-1-58536-445-9 elem Australia- Alphabet books E-BNe

An alphabet picture book that will teach children all about Australia. In fact this book is not just for kids it is for all ages. Very enjoyable and a learning experience. Beginning with the map of Australia also know as the land down under, this book takes you on a visual and entertaining tour of Australia even as you go through the alphabet. Each page will introduce you an alphabet letter and an entertaining verse using the letter. On the side however there is some much interesting information about the country that it makes this book a special book for the child and the adult. The child can read the verse while the adult would read the information.

The information on the side panels is rich in history, customs, geography and details that I found myself learning little know facts about Australia even as I enjoy the pictures and the verses. The format and pictures are perfect for sharing with a child in a cozy chair. The illustrator does an excellent job in illustrating the book. The picture explaining how Australia was colonized is very interesting because it shows a family watching TV eating popcorn but it is the background that will catch your attention. The sofa has handcuffs, ball and chains on the fabric while in the picture behind the family is a pair of feet with the ball and chain illustrating that this country was settled by criminals. The island was used as an isolation place for criminals from England.

Australia is country with so many interesting places and things to do that it definitely will get people interested in learning more about this country.

A truly beautiful and interesting book. Diaz, Magna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Australia is such a beautiful land with a rich history. The founding of the country is interesting enough to motivate kids to stay interested. I love book with great illustrations. Can't wait to read this one!