Friday, October 28, 2011

Hill, Susanna Leonard. April Fool, Phyllis.

Hill, Susanna Leonard. April Fool, Phyllis.
Holiday House 2011 unp 16.95

Animal stories VG-BNe

“ When Punxsutawney Phyllis forecasts a blizzard on April Fools' Day--the same day as the Spring Treasure Hunt--the other groundhogs are convinced that Phyllis is pulling a prank. Includes information of the origins of April Fools' Day and how it is celebrated around the world.” Beautifully illustrated, Phyllis the groundhog, known as the “Weather Prophet Extraordinaire” warns everyone that a blizzard is coming for April 1st, the day of the big Spring Treasure Hunt. When everyone, including Uncle Phil thinks Phyllis is playing a practical April Fools joke on them, several family members play pranks on poor Phyllis. Phil Junior sticks his paws in ice to make Phyllis think his claws are freezing from the weather outside and Pete throws confetti into the air to make Phyllis think it is snowing outside. Since no one believed Phyllis, the Spring Treasure Hunt began and the young groundhogs began to uncover clues to the hunt. Much to their surprise, they were hit with a powerful blizzard and Phyllis was able to lead everyone to safety. Uncle Phil now knew that Phyllis was right about her weather prediction and that the rest of the family were the “April fools.”

Beautifully illustrated with earth tone acrylics, students will be able to relate to Phyllis the groundhog in this second installment to Punxsutawney Phyllis.
The author includes information on “April Fools’ Day” for young readers to gain an understanding of this tradition. Would make a great addition to an elementary collection for both casual reading and for introducing students to the traditions of April Fools’ Day. Forba-Mayer,Charleen

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