Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Deported. (Port City High)

Freeman, Shannon.  Deported.  (Port City High)  Saddleback  2014  200p  $9.95  ISBN 978-1-62250-039-0  ms/jr  A  

The summer had been so wonderful and everything just felt right. Then school began, and as everyone got into a routine little things began to fall out of place. Marisa’s brother who was in 8th grade befriended a new boy who seemed to be okay on the surface.  Then trouble broke out, and although her brother was not involved, he was caught near the site of the incident and was carted off to jail.  He was released, but he still had to go to court as an accused.  The day of trial, things went from bad to worse, and when her father was called as a witness he was led by the prosecutor to lose his temper and was found in contempt of the law.  The bigger problem was that her father was just days from becoming an American citizen, but now that opportunity was gradually disappearing.

Summary: Marisa thought life was going okay for her and her family, but then her younger brother got into trouble and the effect it had on her family was quite devastating.         

Immigration-Fiction                                   --Magna Diaz

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