Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Double Digit.

Monaghan, Annabel.  Double Digit.  Houghton Mifflin  2014     182p  $16.99  ISBN 978-0-544-10577-5  ms/hs  Realistic fiction      VG-BN

Farrah “Digit” Higgins is a female math genius, a freshman at MIT, the girlfriend of an FBI agent, and the daughter of a UCLA math professor and actress.  Her only goal is to live a normal life and stay out of harm’s way (meaning Jonas Furnis).  Her academic ability in math allows her to find patterns in things other people can’t see, and this gift has gained her the nickname “Digit.  However, her ability to interpret numbers in a unique way makes her different, but not as geeky as her new pals at MIT. However, this changes when she hacks into the Department of Defense to get information early so that she can go to a friend’s toga party.

This is where Digit meets Jonas Furn
is.  From this point readers will be on the edges of their seats as Digit is kidnapped and forced to work on the terrorist’s destructive plan while the CIA tracks them down.  Her unique brain is a power to be admired.  The CIA wants her to work for them, so I guess readers can look forward to another book.
This is a well-written book that would make an excellent addition to any middle-school or high-school collection.  It is recommended for Books of Note.     

Summary: A female math genius who is a freshman at MIT, a hot FBI agent and cool dorm monitor, a kidnapping, and a terrorist bomb threat provide the readers of this realistic fiction novel with some spine-tingling moments.

Terrorism-Fiction , Adventure-Fiction                       --Linda McNeil

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