Monday, November 27, 2017

Bornstein, Michael, and Debbie Bornstein Holinstat. Survivors Club.

Bornstein, Michael, and Debbie Bornstein Holinstat. Survivors Club. Macmillan/Farrar Strauss    2017  348p  $16.99  Hardback  ISBN 978-0-374-30571-0  ms/hs  History  VG

This well-written book tells the story of Michael Bornstein and his survival of the Holocaust. He decided to write his story when his photograph was discovered on a website declaring that the Holocaust never happened. Michael, who was taken to a concentration camp at the age of four, decided his story must be told. It explains his time before, during, and after his stay in Auschwitz.

This memoir is sure to captivate readers. Horrifying as it is, it tells of Michael's experiences in the concentration camp and his remarkable survival. Readers will be amazed. It is a must-read for those interested in the Holocaust what life was like for millions who endured Hitler’s rule.  It is highly recommended for any middle- or high-school library.

Summary: This memoir tells the story of Michael Bornstein’s survival of the Holocaust due to the love of his family and a well-timed illness.

Holocaust-Memoir                                            --Virginia McGarvey

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