Monday, January 15, 2018

Sanders, Bernie Guide To Political Revolution

Sanders, Bernie         Guide To Political Revolution           Macmillan/ Henry Holt         2017   226p   16.99  978-1-250-13890-3            ms/hs             VG-BN 
In this heartfelt appeal to young readers, Bernie Sanders makes his case for a kinder, more just America.             
Sanders addresses young people and describes the issues he is most passionate about -- health care reform, climate change, economic equality, Wall Street reform, higher eduction, immigration. He explains the need for economic justice and other changes he feels should be made in language that a middle-school student will understand. The illustrations help to break up the text and keep it from becoming too dense and dry for the reader. At times the illustrations also add a modicum of humor, which is most welcome. There are issues Bernie steers clear of, such as the US's involvement in wars, but he does a good job with the issues he decides to take on. The index and general organization of the book are good. This should be included in every collection serving young people, as Bernie Sanders' campaign appealed to many young people and should be available for people to learn about.
                                    Kennedy, Carol    Politics

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